AC Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) takes great effort to bring transparency to our work so anyone can see what we’ve done with the public money granted us to improve the lives of residents.
Alameda County 10-Year Housing Plan 2025-2035

On August 1, 2024, Alameda County Housing and Community Development released the newly produced 10-Year Housing Plan to drive the County’s investments in housing affordability for the next decade. The Housing Plan will serve as a policy and planning framework for implementing efforts to address the housing and homelessness crisis impacting Alameda County.
- Alameda County Housing Plan – Public Draft for BoS (pdf)
- Housing Plan List of Appendices
The Housing Plan lays out how we can produce new housing, preserve existing affordable units, and protect vulnerable residents living here now. Because we all belong in Alameda County.
HCD is seeking public feedback on the plan using the feedback form. The public comment period will be open for 45 days starting from August 1, 2024. If you are unable to use the form, you can email HCD your comments to the address:
Alameda County’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
Every five years the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires participating jurisdictions to provide an Analysis of Impediments (AI) to Fair Housing Choice. For the 2025-29 AI, Alameda County has collaborated with all of the cities in Alameda County, and the housing authorities of City of Alameda, City of Berkeley, City of Livermore, City of Oakland, and Alameda County, to develop a Regional AI to meet the HUD requirement.
Read the AI HERE. If you have any comments regarding the AI, please submit them to Katie Alducin at
The purpose of the AI is to identify and evaluate potential obstacles or impediments, in both the private and public sector, to a person’s ability to choose their residence free from discrimination, and to recommend actions that address such impediments in a 5-year Fair Housing Action Plan. Impediments to fair housing choice are defined as any actions, omissions, or decisions taken because of race, color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, source of income, familial status, or national origin that restrict housing choices or the availability of housing choice; or that have this effect.
HCD Policy and Planning Reports
FY 2023-2024 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER)
The CAPER is an annual document outlining the progress the jurisdiction has made in carrying out its strategic plan and its Annual Action Plan. The CAPER is an overview of major initiatives and highlights that were proposed and executed throughout the program year. The FY 2023-24 CAPER is open for public comment from September 3 – September 9, 2024. Email comments to:
The California Department of Real Estate has completed a major revision to the widely used resource guidebook California Tenants – A Guide To Residential Tenants’ and Landlords’ Rights and Responsibilities.
A new report: The Alameda County Housing Needs Assessment, December 2023 (pdf)

- (2020-2025) Final Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (pdf – 30MB)
- The 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan/Action Plan is available at the following links:
- Public Notice (pdf)
- Executive Summary (pdf)
- The Process (pdf)
- Housing Market Analysis (pdf – 5MB)
- Needs Assessment (pdf)
- Strategic Plan (pdf)
Consolidated Plan & Related Documents
There are three Consolidated Plans in Alameda County, one for the City of Berkeley, one for the City of Oakland and one that covers all other jurisdictions in the county, which is administered by Alameda County HCD.
Five Year Consolidated Plan
- 2020 Five Year Consolidated Plan (pdf – 49MB)
- Alameda County HOME Consortium 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan (pdf – 10.5MB)
2019 Action Plan and CAPER (Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report)
- Alameda County HOME Consortium FY2019 Action Plan (pdf – 230MB – may take a long time to download or view)
- Public Notice (pdf)

Related Documents
- 2015 Analysis to Impediments to Fair Housing (pdf – 3.7MB)
- Citizens Participation Plan (pdf)
- January 2020 – Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (pdf – 16.7MB)
Housing Information Resources
PDF Version of the guidebook (pdf – 4.1MB)