Falling behind on your mortgage? These resources may be able to help.
Guide to Avoiding and Dealing with Foreclosure
- Tenants Rights in Foreclosed Properties (pdf)
- Foreclosure Resource List for Homeowners (pdf)
- Foreclosure Resource List for Tenants (pdf)
- Information on California’s Foreclosure Process (pdf)
- Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure (pdf)
Foreclosure Prevention Program (FPP)

The Foreclosure Prevention Program (FPP) will provide financial assistance to eligible small, low-income property owners, who are at risk of foreclosure, or are in foreclosure, as a result of nonpayment of rents during the COVID-19 pandemic and during the period of the Alameda County Eviction Moratorium, which ended on April 29, 2023.
The financial assistance provided through FPP will be in the form of a recoverable grant up to $75,000 that can only be used to pay the costs associated with bringing a property owner’s loan current and in good standing.
See if you are eligible to apply. Funding is limited and FPP will not be able to serve every Property Owner who meets minimum eligibility criteria.
More Resources
- In addition to this information, the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development
has valuable information to assist homeowners in distress.
- www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/sfh/hcc/foreclosure